Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All Have Sinned…

We started Kindergarten yesterday! We are using Core K from Sonlight Curriculum. It includes a Your words and a Sing the Word CD with the Bible Memory Verses set to song. The boys are both really enjoying it. I am really enjoying the irony of listening to my 4 year old sing ‘All have sinned’ while he is doing something that I just asked him not to do.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sight and Sound Theatres~Joseph


This weekend my husband and I went to Lancaster, PA and saw the production of Joseph at the Sight and Sound Theatre. It was incredible! This is a musical of the Biblical story of Joseph, complete with camels, horses, sheep, ox, and other animals. It was phenomenal! I can’t say how powerful this show was. Everyone should see it!

It is interesting to think how different our culture and world would be if everyone had the moral compass and mental and physical restraint as Joseph. Or even if half of the population did. Maybe if our culture was exposed to such an attitude, a belief and a faith, they would strive to be more like Joseph. At every turn in life, every crossroad, every conversation, to first stop and think is this the right attitude to have? Is this what God would want me to do? Is this what I want to be known for? Even if no one finds out, if this right? Forgive, as you have been forgiven. Love, as you are loved. And believe that you are here for a reason and that you have a purpose. He has a plan for you…

Sight and Sound Theatres